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After School Programs


Our After school Program runs daily during the school year for elementary and middle school youngsters.  Students bring their “standards driven” assignments to the ASP and our staff works with the student to complete the assignment. Students may utilize other educational materials and computer enrichment programs at our facility, as well. After dinner, the students can return to their academics, if needed, or take part in the variety of activities such as: hockey, baseball, basketball, etc. ASP students also take part in the Role Model Program, field trips/ campus visits, and may take part in the Saturday developmental program, as well.


The Ozanam staff is passionate about assisting the youngsters as they prepare to become Promise Ready. This process is achieved with the help of Dr. Maria Townsend who is a University of Pittsburgh adjunct Professor specializing in program evaluation and President of Townsend Associates LLC.  Dr. Townsend, Ph.D. and her GSPIA students, assist in our evaluation process to help Ozanam’s after school program utilize data effectively and efficiently.   We collect and analyze data on school and program attendance, grades, testing, and behavior. 

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